Request funding app
UX prototype:
User Stories / Fund Requester (Farmer)
Sign in or create a Ethereum account on Metamask/Frame/Mobile
… this should be glossed over in the narrative... but its needed by every user in the system
Use Giveth to Request Donations
Create a Campaign on Giveth (Done)
Title, description (e.g. Plant trees in Indonesia)
Sign a transaction submitting the Campaign data to IPFS and putting the Hashes on chain
The signer of this tx is the Campaign Manager
The Campaign can receive crypto donations from any person, DAO, Commons, etc
Create Milestone on Giveth (Done)
Title, description (e.g. Plant 10 Oaks by 01.06.19)
Amount requested (Fixed amount, e.g. 150 xDAI)
Sign a transaction submitting the Milestone data to IPFS and putting the Hashes on chain
If the Milestone was created by the Campaign manager, it shows up right away
If the Milestone came from the community, it must be approved by the Campaign Manager
The Milestone can receive crypto donations from any person, DAO, Commons, etc
Nominate Milestone for Funding by the Commons
Choose a Giveth Milestone to Nominate and copy the URL
Note: The milestone must be raising funds in xDAI and have a cap
Go to the conviction voting interface and click the Nominate button
Paste the URL into the input box, and make a comment if you want
X number of tokens are required to stake behind a milestone to nominate it
As long as at least that number of tokens is staked by the nominator or someone else, the milestone will remain visible, other wise it will be removed
The total amount of xDAI requested by the milestone and the amount of xDAI that the allocated conviction power represents is displayed to the Commons (by team 2)
If somebody donates to the Milestone directly, the total amount of xDAI requested from the Commons is reduced
Track progress of a Milestone (not done yet)
Have a Giveth profile
Go to the Milestone's URL in Giveth
Request to follow the Milestone
Get email notification when my Milestone got funded
See funds before the transfer
50 xDAI from external donors
100 xDAI from the Commons (tho this will turn into tokens)
Redeem funds after approval
If it triggers I get 50 xDAI and some # of Commons token (the equivalent of 100 xDAI)
The user gets directed to Team 1 UI for bonding curve, so he can burn tokens for xDAI.
If the user chooses to burn their tokens, they would get 98 xDAI and 2 xDAI would go to the Commons to be donated to other causes.
The only way xDAI exits the system is through the token bonding curve (Team 1)
Last updated
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