Contributors Guide
Contributors Guide
What is Commons Stack Praise?
The voices and contributions from the Commons Stack community fuel our project- and as such we seek to reflect that contribution to our system. One way of doing this is awarding Praise which, at the end of each month, can turn into a TRUST Score (before CSTK Score) increase: indicating your reputation in Commons Stack and inclusion in our Trusted Seed.
The Praise Lifecycle
If you are dished Praise, the bot will mention you in the main channel - click on its invitation to direct message, and the bot will start a chat with you.
The bot will first invite you to apply to the Trusted Seed, which you can do at any time right here. After a successful application, you will be invited to activate your Trusted Seed Membership. If you have already taken these steps, you can ignore this, but they are crucial for Praise to be converted into TRUST tokens.
Praise dishing is done on a monthly cycle. Before the 15th of every month the Commons Stack Association will analyze the Praise awarded from the month before and increase your TRUST Score to denote the reputation earned in the Trusted Seed.
TRUST tokens are minted over the xDai network, they are non-transferrable and will never have a monetary value. Rather, they are a badge of honor signifying you are trusted - which will later be used to give access to the launch of future Commons.
We hope one day to integrate SourceCred, as it is a very promising protocol that can serve the same purpose as our PraiseBot, but to keep overhead low, we decided to keep it simply to Praise for now. You can find the source code for our PraiseBot here.
You can find the live sheet of the awarded Praise throughout a month and the historical record of all awarded Praise and related TRUST tokens in this sheet. You can also see this record by typing "!sheet" in any telegram room the Praisebot (@PraiseBot) is in.
Do you have more questions? Join our Trusted Seed Lounge calls in our Discord on Tuesday's at 12 pm EST.
Last updated